Which Countries Have Allowed Fully Vaccinated Indian Passport Holders?


Covid-19 has changed the world so much. And on that level that no one wouldn’t have imagined before. And the most affected sector has been hospitality, especially travel. With lockdowns, fear of spread, and as a general caution, staying indoors and within one’s own confinement had become the norm. And travelling to other regions and countries?

Slow and Steady- The World is Opening

This is half stage past 2021, and the world is now opening up. With strong actions taken by countries and authorities the world over, the countries are now opening up, however slow and steady.

Role of Vaccination

Most of the hope and this continuous notion of getting back to normal life can be attributed to the pace of vaccination that people have been provided with the world over. If not for vaccination, we wouldn’t have known how and when we would have got back to this stage where we are now.

Abroad Travel – Vaccination Becoming a Key Requirement

People have been encouraged across the world to get vaccinated. And there are places and events that make vaccination a necessary requirement. This is true for abroad travel as well.

Have You Got Vaccinated? If not, then it is the time to get vaccinated, else you may not be able to get access to a lot of places and things. And if you have, then you should get a sigh of relief. And this has become more important in India, especially related to travelling abroad. You can ask your travel and passport agent as well regarding this, and they will also suggest you to get fully vaccinated before making any travel plan.

Current Scenario of Countries Easing Travel Restrictions

With Covid cases falling in majority of countries at present, they have started easing restrictions on the travel, not just internally, but for travellers from other countries as well.

In the case of India, India is on the platform to start running commercial flight operations, especially with countries India has agreements pertaining to a bilateral air bubbles. And travellers are required to undergo the required quarantine period as laid down by the destination country policies.

Can Indians Visit Foreign Countries Now?

While you may feel pleased to know about the lifting of travel restrictions and resumption of air travel services, there are still many countries which still have restrictions in place for people from India. There are numerous countries you cannot plan your trip to, because of either a travel ban or no operational flight. However, there are some regions where you can plan your journey, albeit you are required to follow their travel guidelines thoroughly.

Some countries require you to provide a negative Covid test report along with approval from a specific government authority (like in case of travel abroad), while some require Indian travellers to be fully vaccinated with an approved vaccination.

There are exceptions for certain people like diplomats, officials, heads of state, people boarding Vande Bharat Mission flights, and such; determined by the bilateral agreement and policy in place at moment between India and that particular country.

Which Countries Have Banned Indian Travellers at the Moment?

During the second wave, and now with the fear of Delta variant and third wave, many countries have put in place ban on people coming from India. These countries include Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Kuwait, Iran, Italy, Bahrain, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Djibouti, and Oman. The UK has also barred direct travel of people from India to their land.

Apart from UAE had also closed its borders for India earlier, but now has eased restrictions, requiring Covid negative report on arrival and approval from General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA). The USA has also put in tough restrictions for India, barring a few exceptions for American citizens and students who need approval from US Consulate.

Which Countries Allow Indian Travellers Without Quarantine Mandatory Period?

These countries include Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Egypt, the Maldives, Ethiopia, Mali, Ghana, Mozambique, Senegal, Namibia, South Africa, Albania, Zambia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Russia, Costa Rica, Equador, Serbia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Guyana, Guatemala, and Honduras.

However, these countries require negative Covid reports taken within 72 hours to departure. If the Covid situation changes, then the travel rules to these countries may also get updated.

Which Countries Allow Fully Vaccinated Indian Travellers?

The countries mentioned with which India has a bio-bubble pact allow fully vaccinated Indian travellers. Apart from these, there are 16 European countries at present with a ‘green pass’ scheme that allow fully vaccinated Indian travelers, including Austria, France, Belgium, Finland, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Iceland, Latvia, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Sweden.

Apart from these countries, Canada has also said that when it opens its commercial flights fully vaccinated Indians will be allowed to travel from September 7, 2021.

Every country has its own Covid protocols n place, specific to their own rules, or as per their union rules (in the case of EU). So, before planning your travel it is important that you go through full details on restrictions, quarantine period, vaccination status, and more. Make sure to consult your passport agent regarding all to get a clear picture and plan your travel with ease and comfort.

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